When it comes to Brow Tats there is a wide variety of terminology for all the different techniques and styles of brows out there. Nano is the newest buzz word and the latest and greatest in cosmetic tattoos. Nano Hair Strokes, NanoBlading, Nano Luxury Brows, Nano Feathering, Nano Needling…Nano Nano Nano
So what is Nano?
Nano means extremely small. And when referring to permanent makeup (PMU), we are referring to the needle used to perform the procedure. This new fashion Nano eyebrow is designed with a digital PMU tattoo machine fitted with a single needle cartridge. The Nano tattoo needle is as small as 0.18mm – 0.25mm, compared to a micro needle size of 0.3mm – 0.5mm.
This tiny tattoo device allows us to create crisp fine lines with the utmost precision to mimic the same diameter and dimensions of real hair. The accuracy of a nano technology also allows artists to deposit pigments into the skin at an even depth with less damage to the skin, more stability and longer lasting results. This is why NanoBlading is a better option for clients with sensitive skin, oily skin or little to know eyebrow hair.
This tiny tattoo needle allows us to create precise crisp fine lines that mimic the same diameter and dimensions of real hair. The accuracy of nano technology also allows artists to deposit pigments into the skin at an even depth with less damage to the skin, more stability and longer lasting results.
This is why NanoBlading is a better option for clients with sensitive skin, oily skin or little to no eyebrow hair.
luxury fashion brow design

If you’re looking for beautifully designed natural wispy hair-like strokes that flawlessly blend in with your natural hairs, NANO BROWS are a perfect option for you!
Check out our IG @Drift.Beauty for more before and after photos of our Luxury Nano Brows.